
I need to get my story straight lyrics
I need to get my story straight lyrics

i need to get my story straight lyrics

The singer acknowledged that artificial intelligence will get better with time, but said that ultimately it won’t matter because what it creates will lack artistic authenticity and intent. “I’m going, ‘Those are the worst lyrics I’ve ever read.’” “They prompted it to write a Fall Out Boy song and then showed me the lyrics going, ‘Wow, look at this!’” Stump recalled. That rejection of tech’s growing presence in everyone’s daily lives extends to the presence of chatbots and lyrics, with Stump sharing that a family member had once gotten ChatGPT to produce some lyrics. I would rather do tangible things - I want this record to feel like it’s something you could touch you could go inside.” But at the same time, I think that there’s something in Fall Out Boy’s DNA of being a little counterintuitive. “I get it, I’ve understood it, they’ve educated me, I’m downloaded on what this all is. “We live in a world where it’s NFTs and avatars and my kids are constantly buying Fortnite skins,” Wentz said.

i need to get my story straight lyrics

It’s a blending of the band’s eras that also acknowledges the passage of time and the increasing rise of a “pretty not authentic world,” said bassist Pete Wentz, thanks to things like the metaverse and NFTs.

i need to get my story straight lyrics

When Sam Shepard Met Bob Dylan: Sex, Drugs and a Clash of Egos on the Rolling Thunder Tour

I need to get my story straight lyrics