
One pupil bigger than the other
One pupil bigger than the other

one pupil bigger than the other
  1. #One pupil bigger than the other skin#
  2. #One pupil bigger than the other full#

The muscles in your iris (the coloured part of your eye) control the size of the pupil, which is what determines how much light enters your eye. I read somewhere that even antidepressants can have anisocoria as a side-effect.Dilated pupils, otherwise known as big pupils or large pupils, is the name for when your pupils (the black part in the centre of your eye) grow larger than the average 2-4mm size in bright light. I struggle with migraine headaches which I was told also cause this condition. I was told by my doctor that this tension can make the anisocoria even worse. I have noticed that when I am very tensed in my neck and shoulders, the variation in size of my pupils is even larger. This resulted in one pupil being bigger than the other. “When I was younger, I contracted a viral infection in my inner ear which damaged the optic nerve. Other symptoms I experience are memory loss and intermittent hearing loss in my right ear.” At the time, the doctor said that everything was working as it should and that I should not be concerned at all. Since then my left pupil is smaller than the right pupil. “About 2 years ago, I was involved in a car accident. When I was a baby, my specialist examined my eyes and said that my eyesight was not affected in any way.” “I am 26 years old now and was born with one pupil bigger than the other. I suppose this is something I will just have to get used to. Sometimes, the size differences vary and the other pupil becomes larger. There is no change to my vision and my specialist said that my eyes were working just fine. I have recently noticed that my right pupil is considerably larger than my left pupil. Other People’s Experiences on Unequal Pupil Sizes Some of the tests include: blood tests, head MRI scan, x-rays of the neck, CT scan of the head, tonometry (to diagnose glaucoma) and EEG.

#One pupil bigger than the other full#

You doctor will get a full history and may order some tests to diagnose the exact cause of the anisocoria. Vision disturbances like double, blurred vision or loss of vision.

#One pupil bigger than the other skin#

The unequal pupil size may be accompanied by low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, a loss of normal reflexes and certain parts of the skin that are no longer able to sweat normally.

one pupil bigger than the other

There is no serious damage to the eye and this condition is treated with diet and lifestyle changes. Mostly women between the ages of 20 and 40 are affected. Adie syndrome is caused when a viral infection causes nerve damage in the eye.An example in this category would be Horner syndrome which occurs when there is an interruption in nerve impulses in the eye.Examples of disorders that can affect the nerves of the eyes are available below: People with these disorders usually present with other symptoms like droopy eye. The pathways that carry electrical impulses from the brain to the eye structures are sometimes damaged. Infections include meningitis and encephalitis where the brain membranes are inflamed. Problems with Eye Nervesĭisorders include stroke, brain hemorrhage, brain tumors and infections can affect the nerves of the eye. The latter condition is often accompanied by severe eye pain. Conditions such as glaucoma or iris inflammation can also result in uneven pupil size.

one pupil bigger than the other

medicines used in inhalers for asthma, some insecticides, motion sickness medicines. Sometimes chemicals get into the eye by accident and cause one pupil to be bigger than the other, e.g. There are some eye drops prescribed to treat certain eye conditions that cause the pupil to dilate or constrict. The uneven pupil size can also be due to the side effects of a medication. Eye DisordersĮye disorders such as injuries to the eye or even birth defects can make you have one pupil bigger than the other. See also Special Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Hiatal Hernia 2.

One pupil bigger than the other